Ep. 17: Dr. Adam Schulhof

Grin®: Dr. Adam Schulhof's Technological Leap in Remote Orthodontic Care

Orthodontist Dr. Adam Schulhof Grin

Dr. Adam Schulhof is regarded as an expert in lingual orthodontics and created the remote monitoring platform Grin, which was the recipient of the 2021 AAO Innovator Award.

On this episode, you will learn about:

  • Adam’s educational journey & orthodox Jewish upbringing

  • His two practice models - an ortho-pedo office & an adult-centric boutique practice

  • How Adam came up with idea for Grin and the steps to commercialize it

  • The Grin platform and how it compares to other monitoring systems

  • Grin’s recent partnership with Procter & Gamble (Crest/Oral-B)

Recorded January 29, 2022 at the AAO Winter Meeting in Orlando, FL.


Generous support for this podcast comes from:

Dr. Chris Cetta

Dr. Christopher Cetta is a board-certified orthodontist practicing with Blue Wave Orthodontics in Bradenton, FL. Dr. Cetta is the co-inventor of Precision Aligner Buttons™ by DynaFlex. He has authored several journal articles and speaks on orthodontic product development and innovation. Dr. Cetta is the host of The Illuminate Orthodontic Podcast. Dr. Cetta also plays bass for two rock bands, including the all-orthodontist group Relapse.


Ep. 18: Dr. Blair Feldman


Ep. 16: Dr. Chris Feldman