Ep. 37: Dr. Claudia Pinter

Aligners, Esthetics & Education: Dr. Claudia Pinter’s Passion for Giving Back to the Orthodontic Speciality

Orthodontist Dr. Claudia Pinter practices in Vienna, Austria and is known for her clinical excellence with aligners as well as her passion for orthodontic education.

On this episode, you will learn about:

  • Claudia’s early life in Austria and her unique journey into the specialty of orthodontics

  • The importance of clinical photography as a tool for case reflection and improvement

  • Claudia’s expertise with Spark Aligners by Ormco and why she prefers their system

  • How she incorporates cosmetic bonding, laser gingivectomies, and TADs to enhance treatment outcomes

  • Claudia’s tips for content creation on platforms like YouTube and Instagram

Recorded July 13, 2024 at the Renaissance Ft. Lauderdale West Hotel in Ft. Lauderdale, FL.


Generous support for this podcast comes from:

Dr. Chris Cetta

Dr. Christopher Cetta is a board-certified orthodontist practicing with Blue Wave Orthodontics in Bradenton, FL. Dr. Cetta is the co-inventor of Precision Aligner Buttons™ by DynaFlex. He has authored several journal articles and speaks on orthodontic product development and innovation. Dr. Cetta is the host of The Illuminate Orthodontic Podcast. Dr. Cetta also plays bass for two rock bands, including the all-orthodontist group Relapse.


Ep. 36: Dr. Alyssa Emory-Carter